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Monday, July 11, 2011

The Power of Forgiveness

A few weeks ago I wrote a post about the power in the words, I'm sorry and I forgive you. This past weekend I was just going through my favorites list on youtube, and this video just screamed watch me. This is one of the most moving, and inspirational stories I have ever heard, read, and seen about.President Faust's talk about this is here http://lds.org/ldsorg/v/index.jsp?locale=0&nav=0&sourceId=d229414ef1032110VgnVCM100000176f620a____&vgnextoid=f318118dd536c010VgnVCM1000004d82620aRCRD  Please watch.

Here is a man that has every right to be angry and bitter towards God, towards man, towards everything. His attitude, was one of love. When Christ was on the cross, he said "forgive them, for they know not what they do." This was purely out of love as well. There are things in this life that will take time to heal, time to forgive, it is not an easy thing. I believe we can agree that this man, Chris Williams, had a modern day Job experience, that if we were to experience the same thing, we would be filled with anguish and sorrow. We would seek justice to be done, we would be filled with anger, well I know I would be.The key thing was that Chris directed his loneliness towards the Savior, not the young man. This takes a lot of strength. Chris says near the the end of the video a powerful message to everyone. " I am grateful that God allows tragedies and trials to occur in our lives, not because they are easy or because they are desired, but because they help us love..."

1 comment:

  1. I have always loved this video! Every time I see it I'm still in shock he was able to overcome that.

    With love, Alexis
